Question: What is your attitude towards war? What is the best attitude to have in a situation of war?

Sri Chinmoy: From the spiritual point of view, no war is good, no war is advisable. We are trying to become good human beings, good citizens of the world. Inside each person, there are so many negative qualities: doubt, suspicion and so forth. There is so much quarrelling and fighting going on inside us. Each negative quality we can take as an uninspiring, hostile force within us. Such being the case, why do we have to declare war in our outer life?

From the spiritual point of view, I must say that war is absolutely, absolutely wrong. I do not know anything about politics. I do not know whether a particular war is good or bad from the political point of view. But I do know about the inner life, the spiritual life. We are all trying to become good human beings. How can we have real peace, joy and love when there is war in our outer life?